Château La Jalgue

Saturday, January 3, 2009


During the 19 century, the religious brotherhood of the Marianist order bought the property of La Jalgue and had an orphanage built on the side of an old girondine farm. This large residence, situaded on the side of some hills, and south-facing, housed the brothers who supervised the orphans of the region, as well as those who came from further afield, such as from the Alsace, when this province was annexed by Germany during the 1870s. The orphans received a stirct education but also had an agricultural training, since an enormous state estretched out around the orphanage, on whitch were situated not only wine crops, but also cereal crops, cattle, sheep and poultry.

By contacting the Vatican, we have been able to obtain some interesting archives on the origins of this property, but especially some reports by culture experts on the methods of the administration and working at the end of the last century.

After the separation of the church and the state property in 1904, the estate was sold and split up in severals properties. These properties overcame decades of ups and downs before being regrouped about 20 years ago, thereby enabling the estate to regain the original look.